
aircraft fail

Collection of the funniest clips of pilots who quite frankly suck!

Don't they screen these people before allowing them to operate giant multimillion dollar machines with wings?! You'd think that would be common sense but apparently not!

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Happy New Year 2010!

May this year bring as much entertainment as the last!

Sadly though I doubt I need to hope for more idiots to come along, I'm sure we got a health supply on the way with all of last nights drunken-camera-toting-asshatery going on around the world; plenty of funny shit will be on it's way!

My new years resolution: get out more, have more fun, live more of life.

Whats yours?


VIDEO: Awesome office prank!

VIDEO: Best office prank ever!

Just when you thought you'd seen every office prank out there - along comes a skilled carpenter with plenty of time to cause mischief!!

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