
Tiger Woods – I need you!…to take you name off your voicemail

Tiger Woods – Voice mail remix

This is absolutely brilliant! A masterpiece of music mixery and comedic genius rolled into one!

Maybe next time you should identify yourself by name, I mean your name is Tiger; how often do

you hear - Hey – this is Tiger' !#@?


The Home Shopping Network - Desperate Measures

Some paranoid bastard is going to get filthy rich off this...

The patented Back Up Gun Rack - for those of you who can't sleep at night without a firearm attached to your hip!

*Straight jacket, gun lock, happy pills and xanax not included*

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Who said wrestling was fake?

If you thought wrestling was fake - think again

I'm not saying it wasn't pretty cool - all I'm saying is; did this guy wake up in the morning and think to himself

'gee I'd really like to jump off the roof today!'

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Fear the bouncy ball of doom!

Bouncy ball of doom!

Jumping from tables on exercise balls...that's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that before?

...oh, wait - I remember; because I like my face.

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Wooden board to the face

How to eat wood


How to not do a back flip

Have you ever attempted a back flip onto solid ground and thought to yourself;

'That was great but, I want to attempt to do some serious injury'

Well have we got a solution for you that only takes 3 steps;

Step 1:

Get a flimsy piece of wood

Step 2:

Prop it up against something semi-sturdy

Step 3:

Attempt the same back flip while simultaneously trying to eat the flimsy piece of wood


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How to scream at Al Roker

How to scream at Al Roker


Reaction FAIL!


Make sure your sound is on but at a reasonable volume!

What you should have said, Al – is:

My ears are now bleeding !!!!!


Rocket Propelled Grenades are dangerous!

This RPG was more dangerous to the shooter than the target!

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Gun safety 101!

Gun Safety

Rule #1 - If you are lazy, weak, stupid, drunk or a redneck - or any combination of the above; do not try to shoot an elephant gun with one hand!

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