
Faceplant - A double feature in FAIL

Part I: So, you thought you could dance?

He thought he could dance, until the floor gave him a lesson in how to do an old move called the 'Floor kiss' - but he mastered that part!
Make sure you check out Part II - When Segway strikes back!

Part II: When Segway strikes back!

Keep giggling and laughing lady! Cuz you're about to get bamboozled by the nerdiest product of all time!     Bookmark and ShareJoin My Community at MyBloglog!

Tarzan no need Jane no more!

Tarzan no need Jane no more!

I hate to think what he might do if you untied his other arm!

Be careful what you buy your children for Christmas!

Who knows what Barbie's these days are doing in their boxes!

Next thing you know Ken will be in the bathroom of the Barbie play house smoking crack while Barbie is turning tricks in her sportscar

Jeez - Kids these days!

Technorati Tags: tarzan disney funny jackoff toy hilarious video comedy idiot stupid present children kid cartoon jane
Del.icio.us Tags: tarzan disney funny jackoff toy hilarious video comedy idiot stupid present children kid cartoon jane


Have Pitbull will baby sit

Have Pitbull - Will baby sit!

So which idiot thought to incorporate the words pitbull and baby sitting in the same ghetto advertisement?


You know out of curiosity at least one dumb soul wandered into the place with a funny look on his face and asked if they were seriously babysitting in the same house where they were selling pitbulls...I find comedy in the whole situation because the answer was probably  
"You betcha!!! and if you buy a pitbull and let us baby sit your kid will give ya' a discount!"

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The Infamous - Puppy FAIL!

fThe Infamous - Puppy FAIL!

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The is one slick puppy here! This video is pure comedy, why you ask? Because the dog is so calm and collected while misbehaving!

LOL !!!

Sure, puppies are all fun and games for the most part; but checkout what happens when you catch them in the wrong mood!

Bombs AWAY!!!


Lil' Tikes Face Plant compilation!

FAIL Compilation

Best of Kid Fails

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This video contains some of the greatest face plants of all TIME!!

Kids do some funny shit! From face planting into their own siblings to punching their fathers straight in the family jewels!! This video is good old fashioned family fun...if your family happens to have a sick and twisted sense of humor that is!

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Trailer FAIL!

Trailer FAIL!

When it comes to the things I have seen on California roads; I thought I had seen at least big portion of the weird, strange, gross, idiotic, creepy, ugly, unique, and outright crazy that travel on the roads here...that was until I came upon the shitmobile!

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Suck it and...

No thanks. That’s how I got this cold sore

How to FAIL: Advertising

epic fail pictures

Candy Store Fail

Suck it and Sea
...what happens?

Picture by: toddy woddy Submitted by: gemzy87 via Fail Uploader

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