
Security Camera FAIL!

fail edit: epic fail

The electrician must have been really pissed at the security guard!

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How to eliminate yourself from the gene-pool

There are thousands of different ways to make sure that you never have children - this is probably one of the more creative ideas people have come up with over thousands of years. Back flipping from one pogo-stick to another...or at least attempting to.

Kate Gosselin -

She’s probably one of the worst mothers that has ever set hooves on this earth. As if that wasn't enough she is now the owner of the world's ugliest hat and the only voice that can wake the dead.

Other places to find me

Feel free to find me at any of the following links – Happy thanksgiving everyone!


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I Kill you!

Jeff Dunham and Ackmad the terrorist

...I KILL you!

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Gun fail?!


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The bride may kiss the pool!

You know she's going to be beating him senseless for so long their going to have a boring honeymoon!

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Not so macho man!

This guy folds like paper trying to work out the hamstrings! Guess he'll be nice and limber tomorrow...if he can walk!

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"I think we're dead!"

Never mind the fact that the POLICE OFFICER thinks he has overdosed on marijuana...if you we're so high you thought you we're dead why would you call the police?

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